Mimo że era cyfrowa przyniosła spadek popularności tradycyjnych listów, warto znać zasady, jakimi należało kierować się przy ich pisaniu. Tym bardziej że są one bardzo przydatne również wtedy, kiedy musisz napisać e-mail w języku angielskim. Jeśli chcesz poznać przydatne zwroty i dowiedzieć się, czego unikać - przeczytaj ten artykuł. Na jego końcu znajdziesz dwa przykładowe listy po angielsku.
List po angielsku - przydatne wyrażenia
- rozpoczęcie listu
- Dear Mark
- Hi!
- Hello
- nawiązanie do wiadomości, którą otrzymaliśmy od adresata (jeśli kontekst tego wymaga)
- Thanks for your letter / email / message.
- Great to hear from you again.
- Thanks for sending me…
- You remember I told you in my last email that….
- I thought I’d better write and give you some more details about..
- It’s been such a long time since we wrote to each other…
- I thought I’d drop you a line…
- How are you and your family?
- How are things with you?
- How was your holiday?
- How’s life treating you?
- przekazywanie wieści
- The big news is…
- Did I tell you that…?
- I can’t wait!
- Guess what?
- spójniki i wyrazy łączące
- Anyway
- Anyway
- But
- Apparently
- Maybe
- By the way
- Unfortunately
- Clearly
- Naturally
- In fact
- To be honest
- Before I forget
- Incidentally
- All the same
- Even so
- However
- informacja o załącznikach
- I’ve attached…
- I’ve enclosed...
- zaproszenie
- Will you be able to come?
- Can you come?
- I want you to invite you to...
- prośba o odpowiedź
- Let me know if you can come.
- Tell me if you’re coming or not.
- ustalanie szczegółów, planowanie
- I’m available/free on…
- When are you available/free?
- Let’s go together.
- Are you interested in …?
- Let me know which … suits you.
- prośba o przysługę
- Could you call them/let me know/find out…?
- Could you do me a favour and…?
- I don’t suppose you could …. for me?
- prośba o dodatkowe informacje
- Do we need to have a membership to…?
- Have you enrolled in…?
- I was wondering if/whether…
- You don’t happen to know if/whether…, do you?
- zakończenie
- I need to go now…
- Once again, thanks again for all your help.
- Give my love/regards to…
- Please drop me a line soon.
- I look forward to meeting up again soon.
- Bye for now.
- Best wishes.
- Write soon.
- Hope to hear from you soon.
- See you soon.
Kilka ważnych zasad
Kiedy piszesz do dobrego znajomego lub członka swojej rodziny, możesz pozwolić sobie na sporą dowolność. Komponując e-mail lub list po angielsku, nie zaszkodzi jednak pamiętać o kilku podstawowych zasadach. Oto one:
- formy skrócone (I’m, don’t) są nie tylko dozwolone, ale nawet wskazane,
- możesz używać wykrzykników i wielokropków dla podkreślenia emocji,
- jeśli chcesz, aby Twój list był czytelny, podziel go na akapity,
- stosuj krótkie, proste zdania,
- zadawaj bezpośrednie pytania,
- nie zapomnij o zakończeniu listu miłym, nieformalnym zwrotem, np. Love, All the best lub Best wishes.
List po angielsku - przykłady
Przykład 1
Dear Sarah,
Good to hear from you again. I hope you’re still enjoying your job.
Do you remember in your letter you asked about the party I was organising for my mother’s birthday? Well, it was a fantastic success. I told mother we were taking her out for a quiet meal at a local restaurant, but in fact I’d hired a large room in a hotel and invited all her old friends!
Anyway, I picked mother up and told her I’d changed my mind. We were going to have a meal in a hotel. You should have seen her face when she walked into the room and everyone cheered! She just couldn’t believe it and burst into tears. Then the party got going, and it didn’t finish until four in the morning. We were absolutely exhausted but mother had had a wonderful time.
Must dash now, I’ve got to go to college. Hope to hear from you soon.
Przykład 2
Dear Danielle,
Thanks for the information you sent me about the Fashion Show. It should be a great event.
I’m trying to decide which train to get. Personally, I’d prefer to get the last one from London but it doesn’t get to Paris until about nine o’clock. Will that be ok, or is it too late for you?
I’ve never been to a fashion show before. What kind of clothes do you think I should wear? And what’s the weather like at the moment? Will I need to bring some warm clothes?
By the way, what shall we do on Sunday? How about going for a walk in the park, or going on a river cruise? Or maybe you’ve got some other ideas.
Anyway, I can’t wait! Looking forward to hearing from you. See you soon.
Czy chcesz, abyśmy skontaktowali się z Tobą w celu zaproponowania Ci odpowiedniego kursu? Wypełnij poniższy formularz: